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This part of the website is for all residents living in our properties

As a Self Help HA resident, we want you to receive the very best service from us and we want it to be as easy as possible for you to get in touch or find out what you need to know.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for please get in touch with any member of staff.


Learn about current ways to pay your rent and what to if you are having difficulties.



Request a repair and what to do in an emergency or when our offices are closed.

In Crisis

We are here to help! If you are experiencing a Crisis in your life please get in touch. Also:- local sources of help and 24/7 services.

In Crisis

Service Status

Learn how COVID is impacting on our services and what we each need to do

Covid 19 Service Status

About Us

We are a charitable Housing Association providing temporary supported housing in Bristol for single people and families who are experiencing homelessness.

Our Contacts

12 King Square Avenue Bristol BS2 8HU

0117 970 5400